Sunday, 15 March 2009

#03. Summary.

All these years Enterprise was being remodeled and because of the sudden mission it had to accomplish it was being prepared for immediate launch, thus dropping a lot of the important repairs and the fine-tuning. Most of the old crew is happy to see James back, Kirk informs Decker that he's sorry things turned out this way, but Decker quips that Kirk was definitely not sorry, just wishing to command the Enterprise once again. Which was definitely not a misconception.

A transport beam failure happens, resulting in the death of several crew members on the way to Enterprise, one of them being the new science officer. Kirk assigns Decker to the science console in addition to his XO (executive officer, second-in-command) position. A female Deltan (Deltans are a race known to secrete strong pheromones so they had to maintain an oath of celibacy while on starships) navigator, Ilia, arrives on board. She had a relationship with Decker before, so he is glad to see her on board, yet Kirk makes sure that Ilia's oath is intact, which was quite insensitive, but Kirk tried to regain his authority as the captain, even though his position as a legendary person (because of the extraordinary succesful five-year mission) helped a lot to motivate the crew.

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